Old world camp. World-class Fly Fishing. Lifetime friends.

A private campsite tucked away in Northern California for the adventurous angler.


The McCloud River Outpost plays host in a backdrop of rugged beauty, pristine waters, and historic wild fish.


Enjoy Fly Fishing on Northern California’s majestic waters.

We have grown up fishing the McCloud River, Hat Creek, Pit River and Upper Sacramento River. The waters are technical watersheds that will improve the novice and humble the pro. With unmatched beauty of the surrounding forest, a day on the water sure to be an adventure and can offer up the fish of a lifetime!


The Outpost campsite

The campsite is a private 1 acre plot along Squaw Creek south of McCloud, CA. 400’ on Squaw Valley Creek is the canvas for camp built for relaxation and enjoyment in special site with family history.


“The rivers flow not past, but through us, thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing.”

— John Muir